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Re: [LinkSec] Work in progress on a Security Architecture (onepersons view)

Robert Moskowitz wrote:
> rather what I was looking at was managing authentication state within a
> dynamic network.  AAA talks about this and presents both models: where
> state is maintained in the network or in the end device.  For a number of
> reasons I perfer the model of state in the end device, and
> Needham-Schroeder presents this well.  Probably too well.
> I am working on a more architectual, less solution presentation.
It's not at all clear to me that the roaming requirement (if it's real) can
  best be met with a N-S variant.  Also, depending on how you cut up the pie,
  I can't see how N-S necessarily ends up with all the important state in the

Anyway, time to call in.

Marcus Leech                             Mail:   Dept 8M70, MS 012, FITZ
Advisor                                  Phone: (ESN) 393-9145  +1 613 763 9145
Security Architecture and Planning       Fax:   (ESN) 393-9435  +1 613 763 9435
Nortel Networks                
-----------------Expressed opinions are my own, not my employer's------