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Re: [LinkSec] linksec roadmap

At 02:11 PM 12/10/2002 -0500, Marcus Leech wrote:
>Robert Moskowitz wrote:
> >
> >
> > There might be *ONE* senario that fits this.  Norm Finn talked about it at
> > the last Plenary:
> >
> > Consider a real ethernet with 2 bridges.  The stations really do not know
> > or care which bridge handles their frames.  They have to be authenticated
> > to both.
> >
> > There are probably other senarios like this.
> >
>But that scenario *does not* necessarily imply group-shared keys.  It just 
>   that I need largely-equivalent security associations with each bridge.

If we include encryption, then both bridges need to decrypt the 
datagrams.  that is where a group key comes in.

but it is a set of small groups.  each device with the network access 
points on the shared media.

Robert Moskowitz
Senior Technical Director
	(248) 968-9809
Fax:	(248) 968-2824

There's no limit to what can be accomplished
if it doesn't matter who gets the credit