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[LinkSec] issues/reqts

I've compiled some issues and reqts for discussion during the next
conference call.  I tried to incorporate all comments in a coherent
fashion, taking the liberty to paraphrase in places.  --Dennis

---- 802 LinkSec Issues and Requirements ----

Integrity of MAC CONTROL messages

Authenticated MAC-client mgmt/control
	- e.g. RSTP
	- MAC-client mgmt/control authentication code
	- auth-code key establishment
	- issue certificates for bridges?
		+ no initialization stage for bridge LAN
		+ authenticated discovery?

Controlled access of MAC-client data 
	- bridge port open/closed states
	- protocol for setting port state

Authenticated MAC-client data
	- 802.3 authentication code
	- implies 
		+ strong access control
		+ strong traffic separation
		+ integrity
		+ resistance to traffic mixing
	- authentication must be efficient and scale to bridged LAN
	- auth-code key establishment and distribution across bridges
	- what is the authentication ID?
		+ vlan id, STA-hwaddr, MILS-SAP ID, etc.?
		+ conveyed across bridges?
		+ choice impacts authentication scalability
	- bridge can translate between unauthenticated and authenticated data
	- efficient

Confidential MAC-client data
	- does 802 have a privacy obligation?
   		+ broadcast/multicast frames
		+ MAC-client mgmt/control
	- privacy must be efficient and scale to bridged LAN
	- key establishment and distribution across bridges
	- what is the privacy ID?
		+ vlan id, STA-hwaddr, MILS-SAP ID, etc.?
		+ conveyed across bridges?
		+ choice impacts privacy scalability
	- bridge can translate between clear and encrypted data
	- efficient

Protect against replay 
   	- replay of what and where?
	- scope of replay detection
		+ across bridged LAN?

Be applicable to multiple 802 MAC protocols
   	- key management independent of MAC type
   	- should not require non802 protocols 

	- provide centralized management of device enrollment
      	- not limited to a single management system (e.g. multiple domains)
      	- provide means to identify management domain
   	- provide ability to 'disenroll' individual systems
   	- support strong authentication of devices based on enrollment
   	- provide ad-hoc enrollment (very debatable, e.g. 802.11 iBSS)
      	- no centralized enrollment server
      	- technically viable, many interesting use case scenarios,
          likely could be split as a unique work item