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[LinkSec] EPON material

Hello all,

In the last conference call it was agreed that I would provide EPON text that could be incorporated into the draft. After considering, I decided to do differently. EPON people have to find an adequate level of consensus before text could written that would have some chances of acceptance. People that were active on the area of security in EFM, have been passive for about one year and have been waiting to see how the LinkSec work starts to evolve.

I noticed that the current draft represents quite different approach than considered by point-to-multipoint (P2MP) sub task force in EFM meetings. Therefore, I wrote a document "EFM - 802.1 cooperation" which points out a difference between EPON model and the current output of LinkSec, which I call the 802.1 model.

People interested in EPON security should now consider whether they agree that it would be helpful to create either formal or informal EPON subgroup within LinkSec. If so, please contact me. 

Please visit to study documents 3, 4, 7, and 8 to see aspects of the EPON model. 

best regards


Antti Pietilainen
Nokia Research Center
P.O. Box 407
tel. +358(0)71-8036660, fax. +358(0)71-8036214 
