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RE: [LinkSec] updated handoff presentation

Title: Message
In 802.1x, the port is the port. Data can arrive any time and the 802.1x port entities are associated with a physical port. In the 802.11 case the port is defined to be an association, so nothing can pass to an uncontrolled port entity (E.G. EAPoL or the hypothetical handoff thing) until an association exists. This slows down the process of scanning for a suitable network attachment by inserting association/disassociation pairs into the sequence.
This is the basis for the incresingly popular argument in 802.11 that the AID-port binding is incorrect and it should actually be a binding to a tx/rx address tuple, possibly with rules on the dynamic creation and destruction of port entities as new tuple paired packets arrive. This would address the pre-auth problem and optimize the 802.11 case for inter ESS/network/admin domain handoff.
A similar state exists in 802.16. The sequence goes RNG-REQ, RNG-RSP, REG-REG, REG-RSP, followed by the transfer of x.509 certs, an RSA based PKCS #1 transfer of the AK and a 3DES transfer of a KEK before you get to EAPoL-Start. Not swift!
It would be nice to have a situation where I could fire EAPoL (or 802 handoff defined) messages as a first probe of a potential network attachment point and move on quickly if the response is not to my liking without going through all the 802.11 specific association messages.
This is a discussion I wanted to have in Sacramento, but here is an equally good spot.

David Johnston
Intel Corporation
Chair, IEEE 802 Handoff ECSG

Email :
Tel   : 503 380 5578 (Mobile)
Tel   : 503 264 3855 (Office)

-----Original Message-----
From: CONGDON,PAUL (HP-Roseville,ex1) []
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2003 8:39 AM
To: Johnston, Dj;
Cc: LinkSec
Subject: RE: [LinkSec] updated handoff presentation

So the big question for me is, how do we deal with the port in the roaming wireless world if it needs to be instantiated before the association actually exists?   Does the port you are talking about fit this model?  In other words, before I roam to the new AP, the association doesn't exist yet, so neither does the port.   How do I create it before the association takes place, so I can quickly open the controlled port part when the supplicant finally does show up and associate?   This is the pre-auth problem...
-----Original Message-----
From: Johnston, Dj []
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 12:40 PM
Cc: LinkSec
Subject: RE: [LinkSec] updated handoff presentation

I think that is exactly what I'm proposing for the Handoff group. 2 entities, one on the controlled port and one on the uncontrolled port. They may actually be the same entity with an attachment to both LSAPs, that is TBD.
The reasoning is that it benefits from all the goodness that EAPoL benefits from. 802 Media independence and a clear definition of the security state of the system (port open/ port closed).
In my model, it would be a policy decision as to what information or services were available on which port. Obviously some information would need to be secured and some information, such as say service advertisments ("Come to my base station, Cheap bandwidth here!") would be better unsecured and available expediently.
The answer to the question of whether we can retrofit such a clean architecture into 802[11] is I believe 'yes' and yes its definition should be orthogonal to linksec. If it is not possible, watch the handoff group crash and burn :-).

David Johnston
Intel Corporation
Chair, IEEE 802 Handoff ECSG

Email :
Tel   : 503 380 5578 (Mobile)
Tel   : 503 264 3855 (Office)

-----Original Message-----
From: Mick Seaman []
Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 8:02 AM
To: 'LinkSec'
Subject: RE: [LinkSec] updated handoff presentation

The general solution to this class of issues seems fairly clear. Provide/define a protocol entity that attaches to the/an Uncontrolled Port that is providing the attachment point for the roving station.
Apart from the fact that that entity appears to need to be able to read the current status of the Authorized/Controlled Port (really as an optimization so that it doesn't have to conduct its own further checks to guide its behavior - another and possibly better solution might be to partition the overall functionality between such an entity and a companion one that ataches to the Authorized Port, or to define an entity which attaches to both), its definition ought to be orthogonal to LinkSec.
Clearly with a roving type technology where ports come and go an association (also quite properly known as a Port) needs to be in place for such an entity to communicate with the roving station. That association doesn't have to be secure however.
Wired world:
Uncontrolled     Authorized
  Port  \      /    Port (secured association)
         \    /
         Port (lower MSAP)
Unwired world:
Uncontrolled     Authorized
  Port  \      /    Port
         \    /
[I'm not saying that one can retrofit such a clean architecture to 802.11 as currently defined.]
-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of Dolors Sala
Sent: Tuesday, August 19, 2003 11:08 AM
To: LinkSec
Cc: Johnston, Dj
Subject: [LinkSec] updated handoff presentation

On Behalv of Dave Johnston: