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RE: [RPRWG] [Fwd: [802SEC] +++ SEC Rules Change Letter Ballot +++ Ballot on WG electronic voting]

I would like to add my opinions/suggestions/questions on this issue.

I think that the voting period can never be less than 2 weeks.
Most of us are used to travel, so we cannot ensure a timely reaction to 
any motion in terms of comments and/or votes.

I think that the mail announcing the voting period shall be sent as an 
"high priority" (sic) mail.
This will help anybody who is flooded by a huge number of daily mails 
to recognize it.

I think that the rule "if you fail to respond, or abstain (for reasons 
other than lack of technical expertise) for 2 out of the last 3 
ballots, you lose your voting rights" should not apply for motions 
other than draft balloting.
I am not forced to come to all the meetings nor to vote to all the 
motions called in a meeting, so I do not understand why I should be 
forced to vot to all the electronic motions.

How do you plan to manage "message loss"?
