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[RPRWG] [Fwd: [802SEC] Department of Homeland Security Summit- 802 participation]

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [802SEC] Department of Homeland Security Summit-  802 participation
Date: Wed, 21 May 2003 10:11:22 -0400
From: "Paul Nikolich" <paul.nikolich@xxxxxxx>
Reply-To: "Paul Nikolich" <p.nikolich@xxxxxxxx>
To: <e.rashba@xxxxxxxx>, "IEEE802" <stds-802-sec@xxxxxxxx>
References: <OF3AC3335A.62CC247C-ON85256D2B.006023CF@xxxxxxxx>

Dear SEC,

Please see the attached message.  The Department of Homeland Security is
holding a Security Summit in June and are asking for IEEE 802 participation.
Please pass this message along to your groups and have interested parties
contact Ed Rashba (e.rashba@xxxxxxxx) and Derrick Orr (dereck.orr@xxxxxxxx).


--Paul Nikolich
Chairman, IEEE 802

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <e.rashba@xxxxxxxx>
To: <Paul.nikolich@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: <a.ortiz@xxxxxxxx>; <s.tatiner@xxxxxxxx>; <jschweiker@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2003 1:33 PM
Subject: Department of Homeland Security Summit- 802 participation

> Hello Paul,
> Following up on my last email, please find attached details on the
> interoperability summit I described.  Derreck Orr from DHS has asked
> specifically for 802 representation at the meeting, and we were hoping
> you could recommend someone who could attend on IEEE's behalf.  Thanks
> much for your response.
> Regards,
> Edward
> Edward J. Rashba
> Manager, New Technical Programs
> _________________________
> IEEE Standards Activities
> 445 Hoes Lane
> Piscataway, NJ  08555   USA
> +1 732 465 6449 phone
> +1 732 562 1571 fax
> e.rashba@xxxxxxxx
> ----- Forwarded by Edward Rashba/STDS/STAFF/US/IEEE on 05/19/2003 01:31 PM
> -----
>                     Melissa Naddeo
>                     <naddeo@xxxxxx       To:     cotyt@xxxxxxxxxxxxx,
>                     ov>                   dbart@xxxxxxxxxxxxx,
>                                           stilev@xxxxxxxxxxx,
>                     05/16/2003            mccrearj@xxxxxxxxxxxxx,
>                     08:31 AM              Nancy.Leach@xxxxxxxxx,
>                                           Lee.Holcomb@xxxxxxx,
>                                           Gil.Jamieson@xxxxxxxx,
>                                           holly.dockery@xxxxxxx,
>                                           david.boyd@xxxxxxx,
>                                           dwalchak@xxxxxxx,
>                                           wethig@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
>                                           thenderson@xxxxxxxxxxx,
>                                           ChiefHRM@xxxxxxx,
>                                           e.rashba@xxxxxxxx,
>                                           jorgensen@xxxxxxxxx,
>                                           esweden@xxxxxxxxxxx,
>                                           fminice@xxxxxxxxx,
>                                           springfield01@xxxxxxxxxxxxx,
>                                           rick.Murphy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx,
>                                           gmarch@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>                                          cc:     topsss@xxxxxxxx
>                                          Subject:     Fwd:
>      X-Sieve: CMU Sieve 2.2
>      From: "Dereck Orr" <dereck.orr@xxxxxxxx>
>      To: "'Melissa Naddeo'" <naddeo@xxxxxxxx>
>      Subject:
>      Date: Thu, 15 May 2003 13:45:10 -0400
>      X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook, Build 10.0.4510
>      Importance: Normal
>      Dear Colleague:
>      It is with great pleasure that I invite you to participate in the
>      Summit on Interoperable Communications for Public Safety to be held
>      here at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in
>      Gaithersburg, Maryland, on June 26 and 27, 2003.  This Summit is a
>      joint effort between NIST, the Department of Homeland Security s
>      Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate, Project SAFECOM, and the
>      National Institute of Justice s AGILE Program.
>      While the sponsors of the Summit are part of the Federal Government
>      sector, we are all strongly focused on, and committed to, working
>      the local, state, tribal, and international constituencies of the
>      public safety community to facilitate wireless telecommunications and
>      information technology interoperability on a grand scale, i.e.,
>      all jurisdictional boundaries.  Thus, the Summit brings together a
>      variety of programs that were created to assist public safety
>      practitioners, including the First Responders.
>      The last few years have made obvious both the strengths and
>      of the current state of public safety communications.   We all have
>      learned so dramatically that it is extremely difficult during large
>      catastrophic events to communicate and share critical data among
>      dozens of agencies.  Even worse, however, we have come to realize
>      it is not much easier to communicate and share information among
>      same organizations during normal times.
>      At the same time, there is positive activity occurring on many
>      Government organizations are talking to other government
>      organizations, and those in one discipline (like law enforcement) are
>      getting together with those in another (like Firefighters) to see how
>      they can work better.  Some programs aimed at establishing
>      interoperability approaches have actually had major successes,
>      producing standards and implementation methods that are already
>      beginning to benefit many of the millions of practitioners operating
>      at all government levels.  This is good news, although it could be
>      much better.
>      Even though there are many exceptional interoperability program
>      efforts underway, they are being conducted (more or less)
>      independently.  They were established with a particular mission, to
>      meet certain objectives, and to satisfy a set of user requirements.
>      And they continue to operate in that vein.  While these programs are
>      accomplishing good things within the confines of their operating
>      environment (or Federal department or agency), they may not ever be
>      able to realize the broader impact that comes with greater exposure
>      and cooperation.  That is where the Summit comes in.
>      The Summit on Interoperable Communications for Public Safety is
>      designed to accomplish three significant tasks.  First, it will be
>      initial step in familiarizing key interoperability players with the
>      work being done by others so that mutually-beneficial coordination,
>      and collaboration, among the various technical programs can be
>      established.  Second, it will provide insight into where additional
>      Federal resources might be warranted.  That is, as the experts share
>      information on how they are approaching the requirements for public
>      safety communications, it may be obvious that certain crucial
>      requirements are not being addressed, and should be.  Finally, the
>      Summit will help us all maximize the limited resources that are
>      available across all government levels.  In other words, we will
>      leverage off of program successes and use developed standards,
>      approaches, products, and services for the benefit of all.
>      It should be obvious now why your participation in the Summit is so
>      important!
>      Please see the Summit website at for
>      more detailed technical description and registration information.
>      For the convenience of all attendees, we have compiled information on
>      each of the invited programs.  This information will be provided on
>      the website, once a representative for each program verifies the
>      accuracy of the information.  It will also be discussed at the Summit
>      and be provided to all attendees within a hard-copy briefing book.
>      will be sending you information we have compiled on your program by
>      May 27(superscript: th) and would ask that you review and provide
>      comments to valp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx no later than June 6th.
>      Please know that invitees from state and local agencies or
>      organizations are eligible to receive compensation for airfare,
>      lodging, other related travel expenses, and conference fees.  Please
>      make inquiries to Dereck Orr at 301-975-2296 for more details.
>      Thank You.  I look forward to seeing you in Gaithersburg on
>      And please, forward this to others in your organization if you feel
>      that the Summit would benefit from their participation.
>      Sincerely,
>      Kathleen M. Higgins
>      Director,
>      Office of Law Enforcement Standards
>      National Institute of Standards and Technology