G’day all
After an exchange with Jon, I understand:
- The IEEE 802 EC sessions are set and announced
- The WGs can choose whatever times they want, including a schedule based on PT
- IMAT has a (weird) constraint that whatever TZ is selected by a WG, meetings can’t start before
7am or cross over midnight in the chosen TZ
From: ***** IEEE 802 Executive Committee List ***** <STDS-802-SEC@ieee.org>
On Behalf Of Jon Rosdahl
Sent: Friday, 24 September 2021 7:33 AM
Subject: Re: [802SEC] Share the pain
I appreciate the discussion and the concept.
For November, we have already had a motion and announcement, so it is set.
If we have another Electronic Plenary, we should consider that as part of the Rule Waiver motion and Session announcement.
Jon Rosdahl Engineer, Senior Staff
IEEE 802 Executive Secretary Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.
office: 801-492-4023 10871 North 5750 West
cell: 801-376-6435 Highland, UT 84003
A Job is only necessary to eat!
A Family is necessary to be happy!!
Does it make sense to shorten each day, so we can fit into times which are not too terrible for people. We would have less meetings during the Plenary, but most
WGs are having lots of weekly calls, so if we focus the meeting time on motions and use the other calls for discussions, maybe we can get by with shorter days.
Something to consider.
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Ben – thank you for the reminder, and Andrew – thank you for the suggestion.
In concept, I support the idea. In implementation, Ben reminds me that we tried to settle on a time that worked for everyone, but was, of course marginal for
I wonder if we might try to find one alternate time slot that was more amenable to those on the western edge of the pacific ocean.
I suggested this last year and still endorse the idea. It was shot down at the time, but well worth reconsideration IMO.
Issues identified when we discussed it before (from my notes and memory, neither is complete) to fuel discussion:
When people attend meetings on-site, everyone else realizes they are "gone" but for virtual meetings not so much
Thus, the "day job" responsibilities often must also be maintained in the attendee's local time zone
Counter: for those not in ET, this is already an issue. All meeting slots are the middle of the night for some
Counter: this may increase opportunity to attend by using more of the 24 hour day (sleep is optional?) [I listed this as both pro and con]
IMAT has some issues that were brought up. However we use IMAT in other time zones so I think the conclusion was so long as we pick one it works (correct me please if I remember this wrong)
The selection of physical venue does not always represent the location of a majority of attendees
G’day all
It appears that we are going to be stuck with remote meetings for a while. Recently, this has meant that IEEE 802 week has been held in ET, which is great for the US but not so great for other parts of the world.
I would like to suggest that we start sharing the time zone pain. Maybe one simple compromise in the short term is to schedule meeting hours to align with the location in which the meeting was originally planned. For example that, would mean the November IEEE
802 meeting times would be aligned with PT. Thoughts?
Andrew Myles
Manager, Cisco Standards

Andrew Myles
Manager, Enterprise Standards
Phone: +61 2 8446 1010
Mobile: +61 418 656587
Cisco Systems Limited
The Forum 201 Pacific Highway
St Leonards 2065
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