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Re: [802SEC] Regarding conditional approval for P802.11be/D7.0 to be forwarded to RevCom


Are you satisfied with Robert's response?

My Second Vice Chair has pointed out that a comment would be invalid if:

The comment is in support of an unsatisfied previous comment associated with a Disapprove vote and does not provide substantive additional rationale.

James Gilb
IEEE 802 LMSC Chair

Aug 15, 2024, 8:16 AM by robert.stacey@INTEL.COM:

> Hello Ben,
> For a comment to be in-scope (valid) it must identify a problem with the draft. So I read "on new issues" to be specifically issues (problems) with the draft itself.
> Pointing out issues with the reasoning in a resolution is all good and well, and certainly something we should engage in, but for the balloting process to converge, we need to keep the focus on the problems with the draft.
> In this case I believe the CRG has revisited their reasoning for the previous reject and updated the resolution. But since it is not a new issue with the draft I believe the conditions are met.
> Regards,
> -Robert
> From:> <>
>  > Sent:>  Wednesday, August 14, 2024 4:06 PM
>  > Subject:>  Re: [802SEC] Regarding conditional approval for P802.11be/D7.0 to be forwarded to RevCom>  
> Robert,
> I disagree that the conditions are met.  The recirculation received new, valid, in scope technical comments from a disapprove voter.
> The statement "here are no new valid DISAPPROVE comments on new issues that are not resolved to the satisfaction of the submitter from existing DISAPPROVE voters." is not correct.   The ballot received comments on the incorrect resolution of valid technical comments from the prior ballot that are in scope. Pointing out errors and untrue statements in the resolution details, which are new issues.
> Ben
> On 8/14/2024 1:22 PM, Stacey, Robert wrote:
>> Hello 802 LMSC,
>> The 2>> nd>>  recirculation ballot for P802.11be on D7.0 was completed August 10, 20204. The CRG has resolved the 19 comments received.
>> The results are:
>> Approve: 147
>> Disapprove with MBS: 4
>> Abstain: 4
>> Approval rate is 97%
>> Return rate is 86%
>> There are no new DISAPPROVE votes. 
>> There are no new valid DISAPPROVE comments on new issues that are not resolved to the satisfaction of the submitter from existing DISAPPROVE voters.
>> No technical changes were made to the draft as a result of the recirculation ballot.
>> The resolutions are available here: >>
>> The conditions for forwarding to RevCom are met and I will proceed to do so.
>> Robert Stacey
>> IEEE 802.11 WG Chair,
>> Mobile phone: +1-503-724-0893
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> Benjamin A. Rolfe
> Blind Creek Associates
> +1 408 332 0725 (Mobile)
> <>
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