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Re: [802.21] Deadline for comments/submissions for March 2006 Plenary


This process is no different than the one which we had been following 
for the past few sessions. The only change is that this time we set the 
deadline for comments and replies three weeks before the f2f session 
(instead of 1 week), so that we get some more time to discuss the 
comments and build concensus.

I would not call it an "internal ballot" since "ballot" has a certain 
connotation, which is not implied here. This is open to the whole .21 
community and not just voting members.

I would agree that typically the hope would be that with more time we 
would get more comments. I would also agree that it would be desirable 
to get all issues on the current state of the draft pointed out at any 
time. In that case, we could keep an open bin such as a "todo" list of 
issues and get to discussing it once we exhaust the whole list of active 
comments. Submissions that are not directly changing specific text in 
the current draft could still be submitted a week in advance (Feb 27, 2006).

Let me know if this resolves your concerns.

-ajay wrote:

>Hi Ajay,
>I agree that the internal ballot process may allow for faster resolution
>of comments. But, if the intention to resolve as many comments and
>issues by the March meeting, it would be better to provide another
>opportunity to submit them, regardless of how hard we try to get all the
>comments in by Feb 10th. THis may serve better than putting it off until
>the deadline for May meeting.
>	From: ext Ajay Rajkumar [] 
>	Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 8:16 AM
>	To:
>	Subject: Re: [802.21] Deadline for comments/submissions for
>March 2006 Plenary
>	Srini,
>	At this time there is no other deadline being set for the
>comment submission for the March Plenary other than the one mentioned
>(February 10, 2006).
>	Let us send as many comments to this iteration and see if we can
>cover all (ok, most!) the comments.
>	Regards,
>	-ajay
>	Srinivas Sreemanthula wrote: 
>		Hi Ajay,
>		I have a few questions on the deadlines.
>		1. Do we have another deadline for contributions for
>March plenary?
>		2. Can we still submit additional comments for that
>date? If so, is that
>		a different file or the same one used during internal
>		Thanks,
>		Srini
>			-----Original Message-----
>			From: ext Ajay Rajkumar
>			Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2006 10:20 PM
>			To:
>			Subject: [802.21] Deadline for
>comments/submissions for March 
>			2006 Plenary
>			Folks,
>			As discussed in the just concluded Interim
>session at Hawaii, 
>			to give more time for comment resolution, the
>deadline for 
>			comment submission would be earlier than we have
>typically had.
>			Following are the deadlines for the March 2006
>			New draft P802-21-D00-05.pdf made available at
>the latest by 
>			January 30, 2006.
>			Comments/submissions deadline: February 10, 2006
>midnight EST
>			Merged comments file uploaded: on February 11,
>			Reply comments due: February 17, 2006
>			We will have the following two Comment
>Resolution adhocs 
>			before the March 2006 Plenary session:
>			 - February 21, 2006; 9-11 am EST
>			 - February 28, 2006; 9-11 am EST
>			IMPORTANT: Please note that this process would
>be more 
>			effective if "reply comments" are submitted well
>in time.
>			Most of the following procedures for submitting
>comments have been 
>			discussed in previous f2f meetings as well as
>have been 
>			followed for the 
>			previous comment resolutions. Just to recap:
>			1. If you are submitting comments for the first
>time then get the
>			"commentary" software  from the following
>			Else you should have the software already
>			2. Submit comments on the current draft version
>			The following fields need to be filled for every
>comment submitted:
>			 - Document under Review
>			 - Comment Submitted by (First Name, Last Name)
>			 - Comment Date
>			 - Comment
>			 - Starting Page#
>			 - Starting Line#
>			 - Fig/Table# (if applicable)
>			 - Section#
>			 - Suggested Remedy
>			3. All contributions should be in the form of a
>FileMaker file with
>			extension ".USR" with the file name format as 
>			D00-05_Lastname_Firstname.USR.
>			4. Once the comments deadline has passed, a
>consolidated comment file
>			would be uploaded. Read the comments using the
>commentary software and
>			if you want to respond to any comment, check the
>"Marked" box 
>			at the top
>			of that record. Then fill out the following
>			 - Proposed Resolution
>			 - Recommendation
>			 - Recommendation by
>			 - Reason for Recommendation
>			5. When you are finished entering replies, look
>under Scripts 
>			and choose
>			"Find Marked Records". This will find the
>records for which you checked
>			the "Marked" box.
>			6. Under Scripts, choose "Export Clause Editor's
>Proposals". This will
>			only export the marked records that one wanted
>to reply to. Choose the
>			file type "FileMaker Pro Runtime Files". Enter a
>file name of the form
>			"D00-05_reply_Lastname_Firstname.USR".
>			Best Regards,
>			-ajay
>			Ajay Rajkumar
>			Chair, IEEE 802.21 WG