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Re: [802.21] Deadline for comments/submissions for March 2006 Plenary

On Wed, Jan 25, 2006 at 04:53:35PM -0500, Ajay Rajkumar wrote:
> Srini,
> This process is no different than the one which we had been following 
> for the past few sessions. The only change is that this time we set the 
> deadline for comments and replies three weeks before the f2f session 
> (instead of 1 week), so that we get some more time to discuss the 
> comments and build concensus.
> I would not call it an "internal ballot" since "ballot" has a certain 
> connotation, which is not implied here. This is open to the whole .21 
> community and not just voting members.

This clarification helps us a lot.  I think we should call it a "straw
poll for a Letter Ballot" or something like that?

> I would agree that typically the hope would be that with more time we 
> would get more comments. I would also agree that it would be desirable 
> to get all issues on the current state of the draft pointed out at any 
> time. In that case, we could keep an open bin such as a "todo" list of 
> issues and get to discussing it once we exhaust the whole list of active 
> comments. Submissions that are not directly changing specific text in 
> the current draft could still be submitted a week in advance (Feb 27, 2006).
> Let me know if this resolves your concerns.
> Regards,
> -ajay

Thank you,
Yoshihiro Ohba

> wrote:
> >Hi Ajay,
> >I agree that the internal ballot process may allow for faster resolution
> >of comments. But, if the intention to resolve as many comments and
> >issues by the March meeting, it would be better to provide another
> >opportunity to submit them, regardless of how hard we try to get all the
> >comments in by Feb 10th. THis may serve better than putting it off until
> >the deadline for May meeting.
> >
> >Regards,
> >Srini
> >
> >
> >________________________________
> >
> >	From: ext Ajay Rajkumar [] 
> >	Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 8:16 AM
> >	To:
> >	Subject: Re: [802.21] Deadline for comments/submissions for
> >March 2006 Plenary
> >	
> >	
> >	Srini,
> >	
> >	At this time there is no other deadline being set for the
> >comment submission for the March Plenary other than the one mentioned
> >(February 10, 2006).
> >	
> >	Let us send as many comments to this iteration and see if we can
> >cover all (ok, most!) the comments.
> >	
> >	Regards,
> >	-ajay
> >	
> >	Srinivas Sreemanthula wrote: 
> >
> >		Hi Ajay,
> >		I have a few questions on the deadlines.
> >		
> >		1. Do we have another deadline for contributions for
> >March plenary?
> >		2. Can we still submit additional comments for that
> >date? If so, is that
> >		a different file or the same one used during internal
> >ballot?
> >		
> >		Thanks,
> >		Srini
> >		
> >		  
> >
> >			-----Original Message-----
> >			From: ext Ajay Rajkumar
> >[] 
> >			Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2006 10:20 PM
> >			To:
> >			Subject: [802.21] Deadline for
> >comments/submissions for March 
> >			2006 Plenary
> >			
> >			Folks,
> >			
> >			As discussed in the just concluded Interim
> >session at Hawaii, 
> >			to give more time for comment resolution, the
> >deadline for 
> >			comment submission would be earlier than we have
> >typically had.
> >			
> >			Following are the deadlines for the March 2006
> >Plenary:
> >			
> >			New draft P802-21-D00-05.pdf made available at
> >the latest by 
> >			January 30, 2006.
> >			
> >			Comments/submissions deadline: February 10, 2006
> >midnight EST
> >			
> >			Merged comments file uploaded: on February 11,
> >2006
> >			
> >			Reply comments due: February 17, 2006
> >			
> >			We will have the following two Comment
> >Resolution adhocs 
> >			before the March 2006 Plenary session:
> >			
> >			 - February 21, 2006; 9-11 am EST
> >			 - February 28, 2006; 9-11 am EST
> >			
> >			IMPORTANT: Please note that this process would
> >be more 
> >			effective if "reply comments" are submitted well
> >in time.
> >			
> >			
> >			Most of the following procedures for submitting
> >comments have been 
> >			discussed in previous f2f meetings as well as
> >have been 
> >			followed for the 
> >			previous comment resolutions. Just to recap:
> >			
> >			1. If you are submitting comments for the first
> >time then get the
> >			"commentary" software  from the following
> >directory:
> >
> >			Else you should have the software already
> >downloaded.
> >			
> >			2. Submit comments on the current draft version
> >P802-21-D00-05.pdf
> >			
> >			The following fields need to be filled for every
> >comment submitted:
> >			 - Document under Review
> >			 - Comment Submitted by (First Name, Last Name)
> >			 - Comment Date
> >			 - Comment
> >			 - Starting Page#
> >			 - Starting Line#
> >			 - Fig/Table# (if applicable)
> >			 - Section#
> >			 - Suggested Remedy
> >			
> >			3. All contributions should be in the form of a
> >FileMaker file with
> >			extension ".USR" with the file name format as 
> >			D00-05_Lastname_Firstname.USR.
> >			
> >			4. Once the comments deadline has passed, a
> >consolidated comment file
> >			would be uploaded. Read the comments using the
> >commentary software and
> >			if you want to respond to any comment, check the
> >"Marked" box 
> >			at the top
> >			of that record. Then fill out the following
> >fields:
> >			
> >			 - Proposed Resolution
> >			 - Recommendation
> >			 - Recommendation by
> >			 - Reason for Recommendation
> >			
> >			5. When you are finished entering replies, look
> >under Scripts 
> >			and choose
> >			"Find Marked Records". This will find the
> >records for which you checked
> >			the "Marked" box.
> >			
> >			6. Under Scripts, choose "Export Clause Editor's
> >Proposals". This will
> >			only export the marked records that one wanted
> >to reply to. Choose the
> >			file type "FileMaker Pro Runtime Files". Enter a
> >file name of the form
> >			"D00-05_reply_Lastname_Firstname.USR".
> >			
> >			Best Regards,
> >			-ajay
> >			
> >			Ajay Rajkumar
> >			Chair, IEEE 802.21 WG
> >			
> >			    
> >
> >		
> >		  
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> >